Recovering the Human Essence in the Customer Experience: Beyond Technology

by Congero Tech

We live in an era where technology and innovation surround us, and yet in the midst of this digital revolution, human connection remains the fundamental element in the customer experience. Despite sophisticated technological tools that offer us quick solutions, the intrinsic value of human connection remains irreplaceable.

The most recent statistics reveal an inescapable truth: 64% of American consumers and 59% of consumers overall feel that companies have lost that human touch in their interaction with customers. In this scenario, the pressing need emerges to redefine the customer experience, prioritizing genuine connection.

Although automation and chatbots have gained ground, the reality is clear: 71% of Americans prefer to interact with a real human being instead of automated processes. This preference underscores the importance of incorporating automation with an approach centered on human connection. It is crucial to ensure that, at any time, customers can opt for authentic interaction.

The key to a comprehensive customer experience lies in finding the perfect balance between automation and the human touch. Automation should be a facilitator that “learns” from human interactions to improve continually experiences. This approach not only empowers employees to engage more deeply when necessary but also ensures that technology is an effective support for a seamless experience.

This transformation not only redefines how we measure customer service performance, but also highlights the importance of interactions in physical stores. Contrary to common belief, the desire to shop in physical stores is on the rise, with 44% of consumers shopping daily or weekly, according to a recent survey.

At Congero Technology Group, we recognize the need to balance technological innovation with human value. We are committed to creating experiences that go beyond expectations, where technology and human connection intertwine to achieve exceptional results.

Join us as we explore how to reclaim and strengthen human connection in the customer experience. Technology can be a powerful ally, but we must never lose sight of the human essence that drives each of our interactions.


PWC. “David Clarke.” Experience is everything: Here’s how to get it right, 2018, 

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